
Posts Tagged ‘fps’


May 3rd, 2009

Got bored, so whipped together a quick CSS hack a few hours ago. Currently just a WIP (still lots of stuff missing that I want to get around to), but for now its in a good enough state for it to be usable without being too annoying. I’ll probably finish most of what I want tomorrow assuming I’m not too busy.


Terrorists are red when visible, yellow when not. Counter-Terrorists are blue when visible, purple when not. Weapons follow the same scheme as terrorists because I was too lazy to change it.

The weapon models need more filtering to stop false positives.

Missing a handful of models (knife, hostages, defuse pack).

Overall though it works pretty well. Working on VAC2 secure servers, was testing on a local server though because obviously it’s about 100x easier to do the model logging etc when you control the other players.
